Pique Ecommerce

Get your Facebook ads fixed and making sales in less than 30 seconds

Meet Matt.

Keep the noise down – Matt has had a long day…

Come to think of it, you two have a bit in common…

Like you, Matt started a Shopify store with big dreams for his product and no clue just how many hats he was gonna have to wear…

You could probably start a hat shop with all those different hats you're wearing


When he launched, the thrill kept him going even when there were hiccups…


But now that he’s gotten over the break-even part, he’s straight-up overwhelmed…


He set up Facebook ads so he could get sales on autopilot…


He (tried) to get his head around the Business Suite…


He even followed some of the recommendations… and while he can’t be sure, he reckons it made things worse…


Give Matt a knowing glance, would you?


The poor guy has no idea if his ads are working!


Like yes, he can see that they’re live, but…


are they costing too much?


Are people doing anything after they see them?


Is there a cheaper way to get customers?


Are some of the ads actually HURTING all his efforts?

Maybe the mystical force that endows certain brands to hit the jackpot and become featured guests on webinar panels just didn’t come down his chimney?

Look. There is no such secret…


Matt has a good product. He’d be crushing it if he didn’t have to walk through fire just to see the right information…


The last thing he has time for is yet another page of grids and numbers blurring in front of his eyes…


He didn’t start a spreadsheet-analysing business, he started a Shopify store?!


His head hurts.

Keeping track of all your numbers can be agony

Why should he have to become an expert in anything that isn’t his product? 


He shouldn’t have to become a Facebook pro, email guru, or the world’s greatest TikToker in order to grow…


And neither should you.


Yeah, you need to know what the ad numbers mean. But only as it’s relevant, and not so deeply that you could run a workshop on it…


You don’t need to spend your entire life taking webinars and courses…  

You need to be able to grab the key info, in the time it takes to sip your coffee and grab your keys.

You have a busy calendar without dedicating chunks of time to interpreting data…


We get it.


As an E-commerce agency, we were auditing a lot of Facebook accounts for Shopify stores… 


We had to get see exactly where a client was at before taking them on. And then, once we partnered with a client… we were right back at it, constantly running the math and reviewing how ads were performing…


Even with our customised columns, years of experience, and speedy processes…. That s*** still took forever…


It’s like Facebook’s Ads Manager is trying to out-do your parent’s walk to school. Snow, crocodiles, uphill there AND back… and you have to do it every day… 


You know the drill… wade through a zillion numbers and abbreviations you’re just supposed to comprehend, memorise numbers as you jump between tabs to check this dashboard against that one, update this spreadsheet, double-check something… watch your life tick by…

Too many would-be marketers are caught in the spreadsheet trap

If a picture paints a thousand words, Facebook doesn’t care.

They want you neck-deep in their bottomless charts, making mental calculations as you go.

We knew all the numbers that were important to check. It was just so slooooow… especially if it’s on the daily, and for every one of our clients!


Wouldn’t it be great if Facebook just… I dunno… calculated it themselves, gave summaries with context, and actually made useful recommendations? 


And not to sound basic, but we’d love it if they colour-coded it so we could go “woah, red means bad, tell me what to fix!”…


Or “yay we’re in the green, I’ll double down on that!”… instead of just nodding along at the numbers and hoping they mean good news?


It got us thinking…


And building… 

We soon realized the tool we built to help ourselves could be a life-saver for Shopify store owners that don’t have dedicated geeks running their ads.

But wait. Doesn’t this already exist? 


There are some stunning tools out there…


They’re not very price-inclusive though. We’re intentionally building for smaller brands.


They’re also super overwhelming and full of integrations you don’t use, jargon you can’t translate, and visuals that still leave you stuck…


Whereas if you’re specifically in DTC, and don’t know everything there is to know about FB ads or building custom dashboards… we’ve tailored our tools to suit your exact needs…


Our tool isn’t just a daily dose of your key numbers, though… 


We’re constantly tuning it up so it can make specific recommendations of what to do to affect those numbers, AKA, get more bang for your ad spend and sell more gear…


Imagine having our team of experts constantly analyze your data and giving you the executive summary in a way you understand!

You’d be able to skip the courses and content and focus on the rest of your business. You don’t need more data, you need shortcuts… 

Is this short enough for you?

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Pique Insights gives you everything you need to know and nothing you don't to grow your business

See how you only learn what you need to, as you go?

Play Video

Pique Insights gives you everything you need to know and nothing you don't to grow your business

You see. 


Neat, huh?


So, are you ready to take this for a spin?


Here’s the thing. We want to make this baby perfect…


To do that, we need more testers…


More store owners who run ads, want to know what’s going on with said ads, and are keen to ramp up sales…


So we’re offering BETA access for a whole quarter…


Why so long? We want you to see results!


Sure, you could get that in a 30-day trial.


In fact, you could get results within a day of using it, because for the first time in your “ad lifetime”, you’ll see live data that you’ll actually understand!


But we’re giving you the full-throttle 90-day pass… because you’ll get a ton of growth, we’ll get a bunch of feedback, and there’ll be lots of “Matts” running around spreading the good news…


BETA access is open until we launch. You’ll still get the full 90-day pass if that happens before the clock runs out, so best jump on it!

Get the clarity you’re craving and make more sales in just 2 clicks…